Monday, August 31, 2009


God is so good to me. Every day, all the time. And I mess up so much, thinking that it's all about me and putting my relationship with Him last. I went to chapel tonight, and it was just so good. It really reminded me to focus on Christ. I lose focus ALL the time. I become consumed with school and graduating and finding a job and worrying about the future that I forget that He has everything under control. He has plans for my life that I don't even know about. All this time that I have been worrying about student teaching and doing everything perfectly, I should have just spent focusing on Him. I want Him to be all I see right now, and through seeing Him I will be able to see everything else clearly. Does that even make sense? It does in my mind. When you trust God, everything will be ok. It sounds like such a standard answer, but it is the truth I am focusing on right now. I am so thankful that I can live for his purpose, his will, and his plans for me.


Shannon Wheeler said...

thank you for understanding my making out analogy. my sister is too sheltered to get it...

I will answer your question. Yes, your post makes sense. And I'm right there with you. Love you :)

Christine said...

Haha. Love you too!