Thursday, April 16, 2009


Today there was a great speaker in chapel. He talked about marriage.
It was one of the best chapels I have been to simply because of the practicality of his message. He spoke directly to the single ones in the audience, which was also helpful. He talked about looking for someone who has character and pursues godliness. Which is so true. All of us are initially attracted to looks, of course, and we forget about the important stuff at first. Like, is he going to make a good father someday? Is he going somewhere with his life? It was just good for me to be reminded of that.
He also pointed out that Proverbs 31 was originally not intended for women, but for the men of Israel. They are encouraged in that passage not be swayed by looks and charm, for "charm is deceptive and beauty fleeting." That encouraged me in my walk with Christ. I have spent a lot of time in my life putting on makeup, fixing my hair, and finding just the right outfit. Ultimately, that will all be gone. When I meet the right guy, he's going to appreciate me for my character first. I know this all sounds cliche a little bit, but it was good for me to remember all of these things.

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