Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Lil Wayne helps me study

I have so many different things going on in my mind right now. I was studying for my intercultural communications exam, but I was listening to rap to keep me going, which is kind of contradictory, because I was studying all of these nice things about how to communicate with people and angry men were rhyming in my ear. I should stop listening to rap. But it gets me into a rhythm.

I feel insecure sometimes. I analyze way too much. I am an ISFJ personality, so this is to be expected. I think about what I say SO much after I say it, which is stupid because I can't do anything about it anymore. It's over. I think I am suffering from the spotlight effect. This is a concept I am learning about in public speaking. It's when you feel like more people notice things about you than they actually do. We are our own worst critics. I am definitely my own worst critic. I'm working on it though.

I would rather write papers than study for a test.

1 comment:

Shannon Wheeler said...

I am an ISFP!!! and Ange is an ISFJ. Crazy. I never would have thought we has similar personalities... but I guess we're very similar in a sense that we're very critical of ourselves. It makes sense.