Thursday, January 29, 2009


I'm 21 now! I didn't really get to do anything that exciting, but this weekend I will be in Tulsa and I will. When I was younger, I thought 21 was so old. Now I realize that next year I will be 22, then after that, 23, and so on. I don't need to keep going with that. I know that sounded ridiculous. I'm just saying, I'm going to enjoy 21 while I can, because the time flies.

I'm writing my first column for the year right now. I know, it's just a small opinions column that not many people read, but I still know I need to put a lot of thought into it, because they are my words. People can take print any way they want to, because you are not there to defend it, and you can't let them hear the tone of voice you want it to be in, or maybe why you even wrote a certain statement in the first place. That's the part of writing that is extremely scary. That's why it has to be exactly how you want it to be, as concrete as it can be, with little or no room for someone to make an erroneous judgment about it. Yet, that is one reason I love writing. It's a challenge, and it's exciting.

I think I need to stop writing about writing. Other things do happen in my life. But what can I say, I'm an English major.

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